Joe Ruiz's Clips

This is eventually going to be the place for all clips from me, Joe Ruiz.

01 July 2006

2 ordained as 'men of God' (4 June 2006)

BLOGGER'S NOTE: This was a very interesting story to work on. While it has my byline on it, this story had some major work done on it by Tim Archuleta, the editor of the Standard-Times, before being published.

This was a story in which Tim tried very hard to get me to see how to be a better writer, and I think it worked (so far). Tim's commented on my improvement in stories like this (news features) over the past week, so that's good.

He swears I'll be a better writer when I leave the Standard-Times.


By JOE RUIZ or 659-8254

Ruben Covos and Ariel R. Lagunilla sat together in the front of the church when Bishop Michael Pfeifer of the Catholic Diocese of San Angelo declared them ''men of God.''

Side by side, the two men made vows of respect and obedience to the Catholic Church.

When asked if they accepted the sacrament of priesthood, they both answered, ''I do.''

The two men shared another link to God during their elaborate ordination: their mothers.

''I called my mom yesterday, and she was crying ... Tears of joy, though,'' Lagunilla said. ''I shared with her my prayers, and she was very happy.''

Covos credited his mother for helping him find his way to the priesthood. It was ''through her constant invitations'' to join the priesthood that Covos began his seminary studies.

''I always told her 'no,' '' he said. ''As I was older, 'no' turned into a 'maybe,' and that 'maybe' turned into a 'yes,' and now here we are celebrating my ordination.''

An estimated 450 people watched as the diocese ordained the men into priesthood during a special Mass at the Cathedral Church of the Sacred Heart on Saturday. Covos and Lagunilla became the diocese's second and third ordinations in 2006.

''This is beginning to be a good habit this year,'' Pfeifer said.

The diocese ordained Emilio Sosa in a January ceremony. Sosa's ordination was the first since 2003 in the diocese.

The two-hour service was filled with ritual and prayer.

At one point, both men laid face down at the altar during the Litany of the Saints in which the parishioners were asked to pray for the saints and each other.

Following the litany, more than 40 priests laid their hands upon the heads of the men in acceptance of their brothers in Christ.

Moments later, in a parade of hugs and handshakes, a beaming Covos thanked the last priest in the procession.

''Thank you for everything,'' Covos said.

After the Mass, Covos was greeted by more than 30 family members, including his parents. He posed for pictures at the altar with his parents, siblings, other family members and the bishop.

Lagunilla's family wasn't able to make the more than 8,000-mile trip from the Philippines.

The diocese serves 29 West Texas counties. Covos will be assigned to Holy Family Parish in Abilene, 89 miles northeast of San Angelo. Lagunilla will be at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Odessa, 132 miles northwest of San Angelo.


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